Friday, July 13, 2012


Photograph by Isabel Pérez Lago

"It proves his humility is genuine, though. (…) It’s easy to be gracious when you’re adored. But when your class keeps missing the point, challenging you running down rabbit trails, changing the subject, misunderstanding, breaking out into a brawl –that’s when your character is exposed. (…) I think the shining brilliance of what Jesus is teaching has obscured the process involved here, all that this required of him. We’ve become so used to Jesus being gracious, kind, and patient, we miss the humility of it."
                                                                                                                                                John Eldredge, Beautiful Outlaw


(Article Borrowed from the In Good Hands Magazine Vol.12. Issue 7)

If you have a garden or plant flowers, then you know how much of a pain weeds can be. They pop up everywhere and pulling them is not only time consuming but it can be brutal on your hands and back. Most of the time, weed picking involves a slumped over (bad) posture. Spend an hour or an afternoon picking weeds and you might feel some serious back pain!
But, the alternative, spraying toxic weed killing chemicals, has a serious down side. These chemicals are not a joke. Not only are they toxic to weeds, they are bad news for humans and pets, too. Getting them on your skin and inhaling them can be bad for your health. Then, there are the environmental issues of putting those chemicals into the ground. Rainwater washes them everywhere…into gardens, the food supply, the water supply, etc.
There is another way! Most people do not know the power of vinegar to kill weeds! Vinegar will even do it without all the potential hazards of the powerful chemicals. All you have to do is spray the vinegar on the leaves of the weeds until they are wet. In a few days, the weeds will be dead!
There are two things you should know about using vinegar to kill weeds: 1) Vinegar is activated by sunlight. So, check your weather report and try to pick a day when it will be sunny and not raining. 2) Vinegar does not discriminate! It will kill ALL plants that it is sprayed on. So, only spray it on the weeds you want to kill. Do not get it on your flowers, tomato plants, etc.
Besides being safe and effective, vinegar is pretty cheap. All types of vinegar will work and white vinegar is usually the cheapest. If you spray it on and it rains and the weeds do not die, it is easy and inexpensive to simply do it again. FYI: Vinegar is great to use to kill the weeds that grow in sidewalk cracks!

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