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Jodi and Connor |
By Jodi Hawkins
Mark 3:1-6
Now He entered the synagogue again, and
a man was there who had a paralyzed hand.
In order to accuse Him, they were watching him closely to see whether He
would heal him on the Sabbath. He told
the man with the paralyzed hand, “Stand before us.” Then He said to them, “Is it lawful on the
Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?” But they were SILENT. After looking around at them with anger and
sorrow at the hardness of their hearts, He told the man, “Stretch out your
hand.” So he stretched out it out, and
his hand was restored. Immediately the
Pharisees went out and started plotting with the Herodians against Him, how
they might destroy Him.
OK. So once again I stand on the
threshold of mind-blowingness at the Holy Word of God. I know that mind-blowingness is not a word,
but there isn’t a word in the language currently that describes this
indescribable overwhelming realization of how very big God is, how amazingly
the Holy Spirit opens up eyes and ears to read pages printed on a piece of
paper and then your whole world can become the highest supersonic high-def you
could ever dare to envision.
Thankfully as disturbing as it is to my
perceived human reality, He chooses to still blow up these pages for me…and by
the way, there is nothing special about me.
If you ask, He will do the same for you.
He is mind-blowing like that.
So, this morning as I read these –literally–
six sentences, I realized the irony of some things. Like, why would you even need to ask someone which
is better, to kill or to save, let alone, men of God? Is this for real? These guys Jesus is
speaking to are not just some people hanging out at the synagogue. They are
keepers of the law; they know it inside and out. They eat, live and breathe the
LAW. Ah, but you see, here’s where it
gets tricky. They know the books, they
know the statutes, they know what’s acceptable in that particular church
society. I mean, it was handed down to
them from God.
Adherence to Law over Love. Sound familiar?
So, why can’t they answer a question that
my son could at 10? Good question.
Note their silence. Do you suppose they are quiet because it is
one of the laws not to heal on the Sabbath?
Maybe they are posing the word heal
instead of work at their
discretion. And since when did healing
someone or helping someone –if you have the means and the power– become work? Put the brakes on. Maybe they just don’t like
the fact that this guy, Jesus, is doing things they could never dream of doing
(side note: He is not reaping the benefits
of the human affluence and opulence that these men of God are) and so they are
intimidated. Of course, we know this is what Jesus came for, to bring truth to
earth so that we might be put back into right standing with our heavenly Father
since the fall in the garden –but mind you, people still make their own
decisions, and many up to this very moment are dangerously wielding the freedom
that Jesus died to give them. I pray we wield it carefully.
So they are indignant and silent. This angers and sorrows Jesus. Remember these are the same people for whom
he’s going to suffer much anguish, mental, physical and spiritual pain. Because He suffered for ALL people to have
the same opportunity of freedom from death, if they accept it (that’s the
important part). Okay, so Jesus heals
the man and IMMEDIATELY the Pharisees head out to start plotting his demise.
Do you see the hardness of their hearts
and why Jesus is so angered and sorrowful?
They follow the law but have no love.
They can recite the whole Law from memory, yet they have no compassion
for those who are hurting. They are
hypocrites. They are misrepresenting God
and for Jesus this is a HUGE problem. As it should be for us today.
So as I am digesting these verses this
morning, I had earlier read a post on Facebook on some stats of the “church”:
Why does the church in the West retain 90+% of God's resources for itself?
Why does the church in the West share only the leftovers with the Nations?
Why do the unengaged and unreached people groups today still lack even
minimal access to the gospel?
Why is the bulk of sacrificial offerings directed toward buildings, staff
salaries, and educational materials for those already in the Kingdom?
These stats are taken from a book, The
Insanity of Obedience by Nik Ripken.
A book I would highly recommend to anyone who is interested in understanding
what we as Christians need to be focused on (not just a few chosen by the way,
this is a mandate to anyone who claims to follow Jesus). It’s the same thing Jesus was and is focused
on, the commission to go to the Nations and spread the gospel to the ends of
the earth. Whether in your own neighborhood or across the world, in some way.
Okay, so with that Facebook post reeling in my head as I am reading this
scripture, this one thing kept popping up in my mind: “Are we any different, us
Christians?” Are we all bound up in the law so much, church traditions, and our
own ideals of what it means to be “Christian,” that we forget to love? Well, then if we are it’s no wonder the world
doesn’t notice us, no wonder they can’t tell us apart from everyone else, no
wonder they don’t see us as different, no wonder all this time has passed since
Jesus suffered and died on that cross and there are still people who haven’t even
heard his name in our neighborhood, let alone in the Nations.
I don’t know if what I am trying to say is getting through. I pray it does. I don’t have any theological training, as you
can tell, but I do have the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t make me an expert in
conveying this. It makes me a sinner like anyone who is reading this, a sinner
who is allowing God to work out her own salvation, as Paul puts it, with fear
and trembling. And I tell you this one
is going to be important. I’d say
So please, wake up Church –myself not excluded. Stop worrying about raising
more money for a better sound system when there are people who have never heard
the name of Jesus Christ or know the sole purpose of his life and death. Stop planning church picnics and potlucks
when people in your neighborhood are suffering physically for lack of resources
and spiritually for need of the gospel.
Stop worrying about church rules and rhetoric and do the thing that
Jesus wants us to do. To love, the rest will follow.
Please Father God I pray that we wake up.
I pray that we don’t stand silently by in our churchness while only a
stone’s throw away people suffer for lack of the truth that Jesus lived and
died to bring. I pray when Jesus asks us
if it’s lawful on the Sabbath to save life or to kill, we respond with the
right answer, the right action. If you’re not sure what that right action or
word is, just look at the cross again. As a matter of fact, don’t take your
eyes off it, church.
Too much is at stake.
I pray that those who have eyes would see and those who have ears would
Jodi Hawkins is: Wife and
Follower of Jesus Christ
It’s so great to have you on the blog, Jodi. Thank you so much for this reflection. I very much need this kind of word engraved in my head/heart. Unselfishness doesn’t come easy. I was telling my brother that your article had impacted me. We talked about the inner Pharisee. I still keep asking myself this question: How do we know we are or aren’t selfish?
ReplyDeleteHey there, I am honored that God used me to touch you with this reflection Dinorah. Indeed, in my experience the inner pharisee has to be reckoned with every day, right along with my sin. every day, like it never goes away, we never get to this place and go...phew, i made it. In my experience when i have done that, usually some sin the size of a locomotive is coming at me 100 miles an hour and i am usually on the ground wondering how in the world that JUST happened. And then i remember oh yeah, my sinful nature is always right there and if i dont keep a check on myself meaning giving all my thoughts towards Christ, and bend my will towards obedience to him in every thing i do, im pretty much gonna train wreck again and again and again. And believe me. I have. How do we know we are or arent selfish? We are selfish. period. Every inclination of our hearts is towards sin and selfishness. SELF esteem, SELF righteousness, SELF made. Its not different than in the 3rd chapter of Genesis, we are still deciding that we know better than the Almighty God of the universe. It may not be a piece of fruit, but its every choice we make without consulting with Him first. We are inclined this way. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? Jerimiah 17:9. Our only hope is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, accept that even though we are sinners He died once and for all and has risen from the dead! While He was here, walking the earth physically he told us everything we needed to know and do to be rectified back to the Father, John 1:1-14. After accepting this truth of truths, we spend the rest of our life being sanctified, read the whole book of Romans, actually all of Pauls letters. In these letters Paul goes to great lengths to help people understand sanctifcation and he speaks a great deal about our sanctification and how it is worked out every single day, 2 Cor 5:17. I think to help us fight against any sin (selfishness or any other form of pride) is to remember who the standard is. Jesus himself being the standard. Not our neighbor, not ourself, no one, Ecclesiastes 7:20. So, what do we know? We are selfish, we will always daily face choices to choose to go our way or God's way. The fact that you ask the question and that the Holy Spirit is prompting you to consider these types of things is a very good thing indeed. If Christ was not known to you and you were not known by the Father, you wouldnt ask, John 6:44. To help us, He sent the Holy Spirit, He is the one who will guide us to be able to follow that standard, John 16:7-15. We are being worked out Dinorah, if we will die to ourselves and live to Him. But its worked out in every decision we are faced with. it's not once and for all as we would like. that would make things a bit easier right? But in my experience God has me daily realizing that His Kingdom, our home, was bought at a high price. The very blood of His only begotten Son. And since it is Him that i strive to follow, i must pick up my cross daily as well and move towards Him, Matthew 16:24. God Bless you Dinorah.
DeleteTrue. THank you, Jodi. It's a daily process, I guess. One perhaps doesn't need to have it all together when Jesus is the source of hope. I like this quote a lot. I think it has a little to do with what you say, “Forgiveness is the name of love practiced among people who love poorly. The hard truth is that all people love poorly. We need to forgive and be forgiven every day, every hour increasingly. That is the great work of love among the fellowship of the weak that is the human family.” (Henry J. M. Nouwen) I think a good breakthrough for me would be to get over it; my weaknesses are what brings me to God. I don't like them. Sometimes I've felt jealous :(
ReplyDeletebut maybe that's sort of needed for me to understand that I need God's love.
Indeed Dinorah. But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
Delete2 Corinthians 12:9 Sometimes for me its a minute by minute process....but the glory of Him who reigns is worth every second.